
中考听力 | 2020中考英语听力冲刺训练34

点蓝字关注→ 初中微课资源 2023-01-02










(   ) 1. A. Electronic dictionaries.    

          B. Mobile phones.      

          C. MP4 players.

(   ) 2. A. David.                 

          B. Nobody.            

          C. Rosa.

(    ) 3. A. Once a day.                

           B. Once a week.            

           C. Once a month.

(    ) 4. A. About 8:30.                 

           B. About 9:30.               

           C. About 10:30.

(   ) 5. A. In a restaurant.            

          B. In a hospital.           

          C. In a cinema.


    听下面三段长对话和一段独白,每段长对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。


(   ) 6.How many classes for beginners are there in a week?


        B. Two.                 


(   ) 7 .What time is the evening class over?

        A.At 7:30.              

        B.At 8:30.               

        C.At 9:30.

(   ) 8.When will Judy probably have her piano lessons?

        A.On Tuesday morning.    

        B.On Tuesday evening.    

        C.On Wednesday evening.

   听下面一段对话,回答第 9~11小题。

(   ) 9. What is David’s problem?

        A. He can’t focus on his study.

        B. He has no close friends.

        C. He isn’t getting along well with his teachers.

(   )10. Why did David go to the Internet bar?

        A. To play games.         

        B. To chat with a friend.       

        C. To get a job there.

(   ) 11. What can we learn about David’s parents?  

        A. They often visit David’s teacher.

        B. They often blame David.

        C. They often argue with each other. 

    听下面一段对话,回答第 12~15小题。

(   )12. What’s wrong with the boy?

        A. He has a cold and a fever

        B. He has a headache and a fever

        C. He has a stomachache and a headache

(   )13. What caused the boys headache?

        A. Having a bad cold and a fever.

        B. Eating fast food and no breakfast.

        C. Spending too much time on the computer.

(   )14. Which is the woman’s advice?

        A. Try to have a good eating habit.

        B. Do morning exercises every day.

        C. Don’t do too much work on computer.

(   )15. Where does the conversation take place?

        A. In a hospital.

        B. In a restaurant.

        C. At home.

 听下面一段独白,回答第 16~20小题。

(   )16. My family lived in _______ before I was 12 years old.

        A. the city            

        B. town               

        C. the mountains

(   )17. I spent ______ walking to school every morning.

        A. half an hour       

        B. one hour           

        C. one and a half hours

(   )18. I could meet _______ on the way to school.

        A. my friends        

        B. my parents          

        C. nobody

(   )19. There were ______ students in my class.

        A. 12                  

        B. 20                   

        C. 40

(   )20. I could see ________ there.

        A. the sea      

        B. many high buildings      

        C. many kinds of flowers








1. M: Tina, what rules do you have at the school?

W: Well we are not allowed to use mobile phone.

Q: What can’t be used at Tina’s school?

2. W: David, could you give my dictionary back?

M: Sure. Rosa, I’m sorry to have kept it so long.

Q: Who lent the dictionary?

3. W: Do you miss your mother, Tom?

M: Of course, I send her an e-mail once a week.  I ring her up once a month.

Q: How often does Tom ring his mother up?

4. M: Darling, now It is half past eight. It will take us one hour to arrive at the airport.

W: OK, let us hurry. 

Q: What time will they arrive at the airport?

5. W: Hello, can I help you?

M: I want a bowl of beef noodles and a glass of orange, please.

W: Wait a moment, please.

Q: Where may the conversation take place?


    听下面三段长对话和一段独白,每段长对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。


M:Good morning. Central School of Music.

  W:Good morning. My name’s Judy Black. I’d like some information about piano lessons, please.

  M:Are you a beginner?

  W:Yes.I’ve never played the piano before.

  M:Then you’ll want a beginners’ class, There’s one on Tuesday morning and another on Wednesday evening.

  W:I work during the day, so I’d like the evening class.

  M:Well,it begins at half past seven and it’s a two-hour class.

  W:Oh,that will be fine for me.Er, can you tell me how much I have to pay?

  M:Each lesson costs five pounds fifty.

  W:Great.Thank you very much. Bye.


   听下面一段对话,回答第 9~11小题。

W: David, I want to talk to you. You didn’t go to class yesterday. Could you tell me why?

M: Well, I just didn’t want to have classes.

W: Hmm, that’s strange. You know, David, every teacher says you’re a very good student. But you suddenly stayed away from classes for a whole day. Is there anything wrong? 

M; Well, my parents have been quarreling with each other all week long. I can’t focus on my study and I’m always thinking about their shouting. 

W: I see. So where did you go yesterday?

M: I went to an Internet bar to chat with a friend of mine. He is the only person who understands me.

W: OK, I don’t blame you, David. But next time you have a problem like this, come to me first. It does not help not to go to classes. I think I’ll have a talk with your parents tomorrow.

    听下面一段对话,回答第 12~15小题。

W: How can I help?

M: I feel ill. I’ve got a stomachache and my head hurts.

W: How long have you been like this?

M: For about 3 days.

W: I see. Have you caught a cold?

M: I don’t think so.

W: Let me take your temperature…Hmm, there is no fever. What kind of food do you eat?

M: Usually fast food.

W: Do you have breakfast?

M: No, not usually.

W: Ahh, that’s the problem! Fast food and no breakfast. That’s why you’ve got a stomachache.

M: What about the headache?

W: Do you often spend too much time in front of the computer?

M: Yes. I need to do much work on computer.

W: Oh. That’s the main reason why you’ve got a headache.

M: So what should I do?

W: Well, don’t worry. It’s not serious. Take some medicine and you’ll be all right. By the way, I’d like to give you some advice. You should try to have a good eating habit. Stop eating fast food and have breakfast every day. And you’d better get some exercise, such as walking and swimming. 

M: Thank you very much.

 听下面一段独白,回答第 16~20小题。

  Before I was twelve years old, my family lived in the mountains. Our house was far from my school. It took me one hour to walk to school every morning. It was happy time for me, because I could meet friends on the way, and we would go to school together. There were just six classes in my school, and only about twenty students in each class. We spent most of our time playing, the mountains were our playground. I still remember the different kinds of flowers, the songs of different birds, and the colors of trees in different seasons—everything was so interesting and beautiful. Even now I still miss my life in the mountains.



    A lift is wonderful. It is really only a room. We don’t know when the lift was invented. But we know in 1854, an American engineer Otis improved it. He made it safe.

    Sometimes a worker stands in the lift. He or she operates it up and down. In new lifts nowadays there is no worker. People come in, and they just push a button and the lift goes to that floor. It’s all very fast and easy.

    I live on the tenth floor with my parents in a tall building. My father and I often use the lift, but my mother likes walking up the steps. She wants to exercise.


1~5 BCCBA 

6~8 BCC 

9~11 ABC 

12~15 CBAA 

16~20 CBABC 

21. 1854     22. worker 

23. button     24. lift 

25. walks

●● END ●

















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